On taas paljon ehtinyt tapahtua vajaassa viikossa. Tilasin viikko sitten lauantaina Bookdeposta kirjoja, joista suurin osa saapuikin jo viime viikolla. Edelleen odottelen tilauksen viimeistä kirjaa eikä se tänäänkään tullut. Tilasin seuraavat kirjat: The Massakirja (Carol Blackburnin How to make polymer clay beads, tätä on kahdella erilaisella kannella), Sharon Millerin Heirloom knitting, Elisabeth Zimmermanin Knitting Without Tears, Khmelevan ja Noblen Gossamer Webs, the History and Techniques of Orenburg Lace Shawls ja minulta puuttuu vielä viimeinen Celtic Charted Designs. Pitänee valittaa, jos ei viimeistä kirjaa ala näkyä.
I bought some books from Bookdepo. I bought: The Claybook (Carol Blackburn's How to make polymer clay beads, it has two different covers), Sharon Miller's Heirloom knitting, Elisabeth Zimmerman's Knitting Without Tears, Khmeleva's and Noble's Gossamer Webs, the History and Techniques of Orenburg Lace Shawls and the last one is Celtic Charted Designs which I haven't got yet.
I bought some books from Bookdepo. I bought: The Claybook (Carol Blackburn's How to make polymer clay beads, it has two different covers), Sharon Miller's Heirloom knitting, Elisabeth Zimmerman's Knitting Without Tears, Khmeleva's and Noble's Gossamer Webs, the History and Techniques of Orenburg Lace Shawls and the last one is Celtic Charted Designs which I haven't got yet.

I made pirate mittens for my other little brother too.

I knitted Calorimetry for myself. I looks so small but the size is just perfect. I made a bit wider. Then I have knitted secret things. I have used about 180 g for all these knitted things.

I also tried to make faux abalone. I'll have to polish them. There are also interesting faux stones in Blackburn's book. I might try to make mother of pearl next time.
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