Kirjoitin viimeksi noin viikko sitten. Kuluneen viikon aikana olen tehnyt kaikenlaista, mm. ostanut lankaa, värjännyt lankaa ja neulonut.
It's been nearly a week since I last wrote to my blog. I have all kinds of things, bought yarn, dyed yarn and of course, knitted a lot.
It's been nearly a week since I last wrote to my blog. I have all kinds of things, bought yarn, dyed yarn and of course, knitted a lot.

Olen jo pitkään kuolannut Colinetten Banyania (49% puuvillaa, 51% viskoosia) ja sävyä Fresco. Viime viikolla löysin sitä Getknittedistä alennuksesta. Pakkohan se oli ostaa pois. Ostin 450 g. Langat tulivat tänään. Väri on todellisuudessa ehkä aavistuksen violetimpi. Mallitilkunkin jo tein nähdäkseni miltä lanka näyttää neulottuna pintana.
I have dreamed about this yarn, Colinette's Banyan (49% cotton, 51% viscose) for a long time and particulary this shade Fresco. I found it was on sale last week in Getknitted so I had t buy it. I bought 450g. The yarns arrived today. The colour is maybe a bit more violet. I knitted a swatch to see how the colours work together.
I have dreamed about this yarn, Colinette's Banyan (49% cotton, 51% viscose) for a long time and particulary this shade Fresco. I found it was on sale last week in Getknitted so I had t buy it. I bought 450g. The yarns arrived today. The colour is maybe a bit more violet. I knitted a swatch to see how the colours work together.

Yesterday I dyed some yarn. I remembered I got some Koolaid from my Finnish Secret Pal last month. The green and blue skein is dyed with candy colours. The other skein has blue candy colour, a bag of Grape and a bag of Black Cherry. If these colours would inspire more to knit socks.

I have knitted too. Today I finished this Jacket. Yarn is Novita's Olivia and I used about 550g. This is only premier, I have to wash it and make and add buttons.

Today has been grey and it effects the photos too.

1 kommentti:
Häh, tuo takkihan oli ihan vaiheessa vielä lauantaina! Onks sulla jotain kotitonttuja, jotka yön pimeinä tunteina kutoo metritolkulla ja ompelee saumatkin mukisematta? ;)
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