Edit: Typoja ja linkki, jos joku muukin haluaa leimasimia.
Ostin viime viikolla taas lisää kaikenlaista. Tilasin massailutarvikkeita, kun Ihan kivaan kauppaan oli saapunut kaulimia ja leikkuuteriä. Ostin samalla vähän lisää massaa, muutakin tilpehööriä ja kuvassa näkyvät metallijauheet. Täytyy sanoa, että kaulin ja leikkuuterät ovat luksusta lasipurkin ja askarteluterän jälkeen. Millefioriakin saa leikattua paljon ohuemmiksi suikaleiksi vähän pehmeänäkin. Ostin myös Finnstamperilta kuvassa näkyvät leimasimet, vähän korttipohjia ja muutakin. Leimasimia ostin pääasiassa massakäyttöön, mutta hyvin ne toimivat myös korteissa.
I have bought a lot of things. I shopped some polymer clay things, a roller, slicers, more Perfect Pearl powders and some other things. I have to say that after using glass jar and not so good slicer these are luxus. It's easier to cut millefiori canes and I can make thinner slices even from a soft cane. I also bought some stampers mostly for polymer clay use but also for cards.

I have bought a lot of things. I shopped some polymer clay things, a roller, slicers, more Perfect Pearl powders and some other things. I have to say that after using glass jar and not so good slicer these are luxus. It's easier to cut millefiori canes and I can make thinner slices even from a soft cane. I also bought some stampers mostly for polymer clay use but also for cards.

Of course I had to test them. A cat card got corners and I tried an idea for Christmas card. It's a bit messy but the idea works well. Next time I have buy some inks too. I think with gold ink making corners would be easier.

I also tested some polymer clay ideas. I made dancing spiders (don't they look dancing when their feet are all over different directions?) using Fimo. Background is glow-in-the-dark and I used nearly all I had (I should have bought more). I have still part of the millefiori cane left.

Alla ovat leima- ja jauhekokeilut. Näissä on jauheena pinkkiä ja turkoosia, vähän molempia. Vasemmassa reunassa pinkkipainotteista ja oikeassa enemmän turkoosia. Pinkki ei ollut ihan niin voimakasta kuin odotin, toiminee varmaan paremmin vaaleiden värien kanssa. Turkoosi sen sijaan on juuri ihanaa, kimaltavaa ja aika voimakasta. Sävy on aika vaalea, joten tällä saa varmasti kivoja efektejä eri värisiin massoihin.
I made broken hearts using turquoise and black. They are a bit like turquoise stone and that was the point. I got the idea from Skroik's clay heart. I made buttons and beads. Beads have a vertical hole and I think I'll make necklaces of these.
Below are my testings. I tested my new stampers and powders. These have pink and turquoise powders, on the left they have more pink and on the right more turquoise. Pink wasn't so bright as I expected. I think it will work better with lighter shades of clay. Turquoise is just perfect, bright and glittering. Shade is quite light so I think it will make nice effects with different clay colours.
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vau, mitä hämiksiä!
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