I made cell phone jewelry and key chain to myself. I used glow-in-the-dark rose beads and other rose beads and illusion cord because leather like cord went through the beads only once.

Yesterday I tried some new things. I like these flowers and they are easy to make. Dragon wasn't easy. Of course I wanted more details but this was difficult and time-consuming enough. I think I'll do just some quite easy flower things and might try some easy animals too.

Sain viime kuussa SNY:ltä Novitan Butterfly:tä ja sillekin idea hahmottui jo lähes heti. Siitä tulee hame. Tosin sekin pääsee puikoille vasta joskus myöhemmin. Nyt ei ole kesähameelle käyttöä ja toivon kymppikerhon myötä pienentyväni sen verran, että voisin tehdä hieman pienemmän koonkin ensi kesäksi.
I haven't forgotten knitting. To proof this, here is a fair isle mitten I just finished. I have to knit another so I can use these. Last year my Finnish Secret Pal gave my pink and red yarns and Kirikindad II book (full of different fair isle mittens from Estonia) and gray yarn is from my stash. It took about an year before I knitted these (now I need warm mittens). I wanted to try fair isle with three colours and I chose quite simple pattern. I like the colours and the pattern. Mitten is made without thumb gusset increases. Lower part has more stitches than upper part. When I knitted stitches for thumb using waste yarn I decreased stitches one pattern repeat. Idea is from Mary Olki's book. Mittens are just the right size. Actually at first I guessed how many stitches to cast on and it would have been too big after the thumb. The pattern was also so complicated that it would be hard to knit thumb gusset increases.
3 kommenttia:
Kiva kun olet tekemistä niille keksinyt, pakettia on kohta puoliin tulossa, ei kai haittaa vaikka näin myöhään menikin ? Ihana tuo kissaleimasin ja nuo kukkaset.
Todella kauniit lapaset! Itse en ole vielä saanut aikaiseksi ottaa puikoille yhtään Kirikindad-mallia, vaikka kovasti tekisi mieli..
SNY:lle enköhän minä malta odottaa pakettia. :)
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