Tänään oli hyvä postipäivä muutenkin. Yesasiasta tilaamani japanilaiset neulekirjat tulivat myös tänään. Vielä en ole ehtinyt kuin selata kirjat pikaisesti läpi. Mallit ovat kauniita, melko klassisia ja täynnä yksityiskohtia. Japania en osaa sanaa/merkkiäkään, mutta ohjeet ovat onneksi kaaviomuodossa ja erikoisemmista merkeistä on kuvat, miten pitää neuloa. Kaaviossa on myös neuleen mitat. Silti päänvaivaa aiheuttavat lanka- ja tiheystietojen etsiminen merkkejä vertailemalla ja luulenpa, että saan kokoakin säätää. En suosittele aloittelevalle neulojalle. Sen sijaan kokeneelle ja haasteita haluavalle nämä lienevät paikallaan. Kirjojen sisältöön pääsee tutustumaan Yesasian sivuilla, kuvassa oikeanpuoleinen ja vasemmanpuoleinen kirja. Pidän hintaa halpana ja kirjat tulivat postikuluitta.
Today was a nice mail day. I got my new Japanese knitting books from Yesasia. I have just looked them through and didn't have time to better look. Patterns are beautiful, quite classic and full of details. I can't speak Japanese or even read a sign but luckily patterns are well charted and if there are any special signs there are good pictures how to knit that part. Also measures are charted. Still there's some problem to find out informations about yarn and gauge comparing the signs and I think I have to fix measures as well. I don't recommend these for beginners but if you experienced with charts and knitting and want some challenge, then these are for you. You can look inside the books in Yesasias pages, the book in the right and the book in the left. I think these were cheap and they came without posting fees.
Today was a nice mail day. I got my new Japanese knitting books from Yesasia. I have just looked them through and didn't have time to better look. Patterns are beautiful, quite classic and full of details. I can't speak Japanese or even read a sign but luckily patterns are well charted and if there are any special signs there are good pictures how to knit that part. Also measures are charted. Still there's some problem to find out informations about yarn and gauge comparing the signs and I think I have to fix measures as well. I don't recommend these for beginners but if you experienced with charts and knitting and want some challenge, then these are for you. You can look inside the books in Yesasias pages, the book in the right and the book in the left. I think these were cheap and they came without posting fees.

I went to the local craft shop, Askaretta. I was looking for black and gold Fimo (with the old combination) there wasn't any. Most of them were new and only few old was left. So I bought cognac, green, copper and silver. They are on the paper I also bought for cards. I'm going to do Christmas cards by myself and try stamping. I looked for stampers too but there was only few of them. I think I have to buy them from some internet shop.

I also bought newest Quilting Arts magazine. It's not cheap here but there are amazing works and beautiful photos. I have to take a better look later.

I bought dark red satin ribbon for Sahara too. Now when I try not to buy yarn, I buy something else.
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