Kun kävin viimeksi vanhempien luona, sain äidiltä muutaman leimasimen. Massailuun ne ovat liian yksityiskohtaisia, pienet viivat eivät massasta erottuisi, mutta leimailuun esimerkiksi metallijauheilla ne sopivat. Minunhan ei pitänyt tälläisiä harrastaa, mutta tulipa nyt kokeiltua, miltä leimasimet, väritön muste ja metallijauheet näyttävät.
Last time when I was at my parents my mother gave me some stampers. They are too detailed for polymer clay, thin lines wouldn't be seen but for stamping for example with metal powders they are perfect. I wasn't supposed to do things like this but I tried how stampers, invisible ink and powders looked together.
Last time when I was at my parents my mother gave me some stampers. They are too detailed for polymer clay, thin lines wouldn't be seen but for stamping for example with metal powders they are perfect. I wasn't supposed to do things like this but I tried how stampers, invisible ink and powders looked together.

Pansies, interference green, blue patina and in the middle of the flowers plum. Both photos are taken without flashlight outside. Looked fro different angle powders have different shades.

Roses, inteference red and interference green. The same thing here too, photos are taken outside without flashlight and powders have different shades from different angles.

Then I tried spinning. I made a spindle myself using two CDs, rubber tube and bambo knitting needle. How to build a spindle (pdf). I practiced using double rove because I have newer tried. I found quite good instructions with photos (in Finnish). Double rove waas easy to spin but slow and boring. Yarn is one-ply. Maybe I'll try some felting wool before I think about buying a better spindle or fibres. Otherwise it's good that all new things are not nice right away, I have plenty of interesting things too. :)

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