Siis minunhan ei pitänyt harrastaa massailua eikä varsinkaan leimailua. Neuloin tulevalle sukulaisvauvalle Blu-farkut (vielä viimeistelyä vailla) ja lankaa jäi yli, joten neuloin takin (myös viimeistelyä vailla). Takki tarvitsee napit ja päätin tehdä itse farkkutyyliset napit massasta. Minulla ei kuitenkaan ollut sopivaa väriä eikä metallijauhetta, jolla saa farkkutyylisen pinnan, joten tein tilauksen Ihan kivaan kauppaan ja toimitus oli nopea. Mopo taisi taas karata ja tilasin samalla kaikkea muutakin tarpeellista. Massojakin otin laajan värivalikoiman, ettei tarvitse heti taas tilata. Koska tilasin metallijauheita, tilasin myös leimasintyynyn. Oikeasti en ole ikinä ollut korttiaskartelija tai leimailija, mutta Hakan kauniit kortit ja leimailut ovat tainneet tartuttaa tähänkin. Leimasimia minulla on vasta yksi massakäyttöön hankittu, onkohan tämä sitten seuraava juttu.
Here are my new toys. I'm not a polymer clay and especially not a stamping type. I knitted Blu-jeans (waiting for finishing) for a unborn baby (to my relative) and some yarn left over. So I knitted a jacket (also waiting for finishing) and it needs buttons. I decided to do buttons myself using polymer clay. But I didn't have right colour or Perfect Pearl powder wich I needed for jeans-style buttons so I ordered from Ihan kiva kauppa. I ordered also something else so I have everything. I think I lost control... I bought many colours of Premo and because I bought powders I also bought ink pad. Actually I'm not into paper crafts or stamping but Haka's beautiful cards and stampings have probably get me interested as well. I have only one stamper, is this the next thing?
Here are my new toys. I'm not a polymer clay and especially not a stamping type. I knitted Blu-jeans (waiting for finishing) for a unborn baby (to my relative) and some yarn left over. So I knitted a jacket (also waiting for finishing) and it needs buttons. I decided to do buttons myself using polymer clay. But I didn't have right colour or Perfect Pearl powder wich I needed for jeans-style buttons so I ordered from Ihan kiva kauppa. I ordered also something else so I have everything. I think I lost control... I bought many colours of Premo and because I bought powders I also bought ink pad. Actually I'm not into paper crafts or stamping but Haka's beautiful cards and stampings have probably get me interested as well. I have only one stamper, is this the next thing?
1 kommentti:
Vähän vois olla että mopo on karannut joo...
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