Lappeenrannan neuletapaaminen oli tänään (lisää tietoa tapaamisista jatkossa yahoon ryhmästä lprneulojat) meillä ja teimme silmukkamerkkejä. Hakalla on blogissaan selostusta ja kuvia. Tein itsekin pari silmukkamerkkiä lisää ensimmäisistä millefiorikokeiluista massoilla. Minusta nämä massahelmet eivät ole kovin kauniita, mutta silmukkamerkeissä ne näyttävät silti hyvälle. Yhdessä tekeminen oli kivaa ja tuli joitain uusia ideoitakin. Toisten tekemät silmukkamerkit olivat kauniita.
Knitting meeting in Lappeenranta was today at my place and we did stitch markers. Haka has some details and photos in her blog. I did some stitch markers too using my first millefiori beads (made of polymer clay). In my opinion they are not really beautiful but amazingly they look good in stitch markers. Making things together was nice and we had some new ideas too. Others did beautiful markers.
Knitting meeting in Lappeenranta was today at my place and we did stitch markers. Haka has some details and photos in her blog. I did some stitch markers too using my first millefiori beads (made of polymer clay). In my opinion they are not really beautiful but amazingly they look good in stitch markers. Making things together was nice and we had some new ideas too. Others did beautiful markers.

Then we exchanged some yarn. I get rid off 500 grams which I sold and got this 100g mohair-blend (probably). Usually I don't like mohairs but this didn't feel itchy on the neck.

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