Ihanaa olla taas kotona. Kävin kesäreissulla ja sukulaisten luona. Näin ensimmäistä kertaa kiiltomatoja ja kävin uimassa meressä Strömsön rannassa. Ylemmässä kuvassa on kiiltomato pimeällä salaman kanssa (onnistuin jopa ottamaan näin tarkan kuvan). Sen jälkeen tämä yksilö pelästyi ja käänsi kiiltävän kohdan kiveä päin. Kiiltomatoja oli yhteensä kolme. Pimeällä kuvan ottaminen hohtavasta pisteestä oli todella vaikeaa. Toinen epätarkka kuva kertoo jotain kiiltomadon valaistuksen voimakkuudesta, se oli kuin ledilamppu.
Good to be home again. I was traveling and visiting relatives. For the first time I saw glow worms and swam in the sea on Strömsö beach. The first one of pictures below is taken with flashlight at night. After that this glow worm was scared and turned it's lamp towards the stone. There were three glow worms. It was difficult to take photograhps of glowing spots at night. Another unsharp photo shows how bright glow worms are, they were like ledilamps.
Matkaneuleena oli turkoosi Frost Flovers and Leaves -huivi, jota on vuorotellen neulottu, purettu ja neulottu. Se on jo lähes valmis enkä vieläkään ole ihan varma, riittääkö lanka vai ei. Jos en olisi alkanut säätämään, tämä olisi luultavasti ollut valmis jo pari päivää sitten.
Good to be home again. I was traveling and visiting relatives. For the first time I saw glow worms and swam in the sea on Strömsö beach. The first one of pictures below is taken with flashlight at night. After that this glow worm was scared and turned it's lamp towards the stone. There were three glow worms. It was difficult to take photograhps of glowing spots at night. Another unsharp photo shows how bright glow worms are, they were like ledilamps.

I had turquoise Frost Flowers and Leaves -shawl with me. I have knitted, ripped and knitted. It's nearly finished and I'm still not sure if I have enough yarn or not. If I had only knitted I think this would be finished some days ago.
Mysterystole 3:n kaksi ensimmäistä vihjettä ehdin myös neuloa.

I had time to knit two first clues for Mysterystole 3 too.
Ostin alennusmyynnistä juhlamekon, joka kaipaa parikseen pitsihuivia. Varastosta löytyy onneksi sopivan värisiä huivilankojakin jopa kaksi kappaletta. Novitan Kid mohair olisi värinsä puolesta parempi, mutta iho ei siedä sitä niin hyvin. Wetterhoffin Sivilla on sävyltään hieman tummempaa pinkkiä, jota ei mekosta löydy, mutta sekin varmaan toimisi. Haluan suorakaiteen muotoisen huivin, mutta en ole vielä päättänyt, teenkö sen valmiilla ohjeella vai suunnittelenko oman. Toisaalta Victorian lace today -kirjassa oli paljon ihania suorakaidehuiveja, joten voisin ehkä kokeilla jotain niistä.
I bought a dress, it was in discount. My new dress absolutely needs a new lace shawl/stole. Luckily I found suitable yarn and colours from my stash. The colour of Novita's Kid mohair would be better but my skin doesn't like mohair. Wetterhoff's Sivilla is a bit darker shade that isn't in dress but I think it might still go with the dress aswell. I want to knit long four-cornered stole but I haven't yet decided wich pattern or do I design it myself. The book Victorian lace tday had many beautiful stoles so maybe I could try one of those.

I bought a dress, it was in discount. My new dress absolutely needs a new lace shawl/stole. Luckily I found suitable yarn and colours from my stash. The colour of Novita's Kid mohair would be better but my skin doesn't like mohair. Wetterhoff's Sivilla is a bit darker shade that isn't in dress but I think it might still go with the dress aswell. I want to knit long four-cornered stole but I haven't yet decided wich pattern or do I design it myself. The book Victorian lace tday had many beautiful stoles so maybe I could try one of those.
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