Sain ompeluinnostuksen takaisin, vihdoinkin. Miehellä oli synttärit ja hän sai boksereita. Mieluummin ostaisin kaupasta, kun näissä on paljon työtä, mutta kuulemma nämä ovat parempia. Kaava on tehty vanhojen rikkinäisten pohjalta, joten näistä tietää ainakin, että tulee sopivat.
I got my sewing inspiration back. Man-who-lives-with-me had birthday and he got underwears. I'd rather buy finished ones, there's a lot of work in these but he says these are better. Pattern is made according to old worn out ones.
I got my sewing inspiration back. Man-who-lives-with-me had birthday and he got underwears. I'd rather buy finished ones, there's a lot of work in these but he says these are better. Pattern is made according to old worn out ones.
Veljellä oli sunnuntaina rippijuhlat. Vaatevaraston tutkimisen jälkeen totesin, että olisi kiva saada jotain uutta vaatetta ja aloin ommella. Violetista kankaasta tuli hame ja jakku. Hame ehti juhliin, jakku ei. Jakku ei ole vieläkään valmis, koska se kaipaisi kevyet olkatoppaukset ja sellaisia ei varastosta löydy. Jakun kaava löytyy Suuresta käsityölehestä 5/2004 ja hameen kaava on tehty Suuren käsityölehen Mittojen mukaan minulle hame -ohjeella omiin mittoihin muokaten. Jakun kaava oli yllättäen toimiva sellaisenaan eikä tarvinnut muokkausta.
My brother had his confirmation on Sunday. After searching my wardrobe I thought it would be nice to have something new. Purple fabric turned into a skirt and a jacket. I finished the skirt for the party but jacket is still unfinished. It needs light shoulder pads and I don't have any. Jacket pattern is from Suuri käsityölehti 5/2004 (Finnish handicraft magazine) and skirt pattern is from Mittojen mukaan minulle hame (the same magazine's extra). It was a surprise that jacket pattern fitted and I didn't make any corrections.
Seuraavaksi varmaan lisää ompelua, Mysterystole 3:sta odotellessa.
Next probably more sewing, waiting for Mysterystole 3.
My brother had his confirmation on Sunday. After searching my wardrobe I thought it would be nice to have something new. Purple fabric turned into a skirt and a jacket. I finished the skirt for the party but jacket is still unfinished. It needs light shoulder pads and I don't have any. Jacket pattern is from Suuri käsityölehti 5/2004 (Finnish handicraft magazine) and skirt pattern is from Mittojen mukaan minulle hame (the same magazine's extra). It was a surprise that jacket pattern fitted and I didn't make any corrections.
Seuraavaksi varmaan lisää ompelua, Mysterystole 3:sta odotellessa.
Next probably more sewing, waiting for Mysterystole 3.
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