Salaiset sukkani saapuivat tänään. Sain vattumadolta Knittyn Hederan ohjeella tehdyt punaiset sukat. Lankana on Opal. Lisäksi paketissa oli vähän suklaata, joka meni jo parempiin suihin. Sukat ovat ihanat ja juuri sopivat, kiitos! Kyllä näitä kannatti odottaa. :)
I got my (Finnish) secret sock swap socks today. Vattumato had knitted red Hederas from Knitty to me. Yarn is Opal. There was also chocoholate in the packet but I already ate it. Socks are lovely and just right size, thank you! These were worth of waiting. :)
I got my (Finnish) secret sock swap socks today. Vattumato had knitted red Hederas from Knitty to me. Yarn is Opal. There was also chocoholate in the packet but I already ate it. Socks are lovely and just right size, thank you! These were worth of waiting. :)
Koska sukista on vaikea ottaa kuvia omissa jaloissa, tässä vielä yleiskuva sukista.
Here is a picture of secret socks that I made. These should arrive today to their new owner. (I finished socks about week ago. Letter was in my bag nearly all week but I remembered to post it on Saturday.) Yarn is Sisu and the yarn in the middle stripe I have dyed myself. Pattern is Jaywalker from Magknits. I wanted to do lace socks with stripes but I was too tired to think about the pattern myself. So I ended up with siksak-striped Jaywalkers with few modifications. I washed socks once because I wanted to test how well selfdyed yarn keeps to colour. It faded a little but I think the rest of the colour will remain.
It's hard to take photographs of your own feet so here is one more picture.
Tässä vielä kuva tekemistäni salaisista sukista, joiden pitäisi olla perillä tänään. (Sukat ovat olleet jo noin viikon valmiina. Kirje kulki laukussa melkein koko viikon, enkä muistanut laittaa sitä postiin ennen kuin lauantaina.) Lankana on Sisua ja keskimmäinen raita on itsevärjättyä sukkalankajämää. Ohje on Magknitsin Jaywalker. Oikeasti olisin halunnut tehdä raidalliset pitsisukat, jossa pitsikuvio aaltoilee, mutta en jaksanut itse miettiä ohjetta. Päädyin sitten siksak-raidallisiin Jaywalkereihin hieman ohjetta muunnellen. Pesin sukat kerran, koska halusin testata itsevärjätyn langan värinkestoa. Jonkun verran se haalistui, mutta eiköhän loppuväri pysy.Here is a picture of secret socks that I made. These should arrive today to their new owner. (I finished socks about week ago. Letter was in my bag nearly all week but I remembered to post it on Saturday.) Yarn is Sisu and the yarn in the middle stripe I have dyed myself. Pattern is Jaywalker from Magknits. I wanted to do lace socks with stripes but I was too tired to think about the pattern myself. So I ended up with siksak-striped Jaywalkers with few modifications. I washed socks once because I wanted to test how well selfdyed yarn keeps to colour. It faded a little but I think the rest of the colour will remain.
1 kommentti:
Kiva, että sukat ovat perillä ja näyttävät olevan sopivat=o)
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