Minulla oli muutama työ mielessä helmi-maaliskuulle Project Spectrumiin. Muutaman teinkin, mutta tässä ovat ne toteutumattomat suunnitelmat.
Sinivalkoisista jämälangoista teen siskolleni paidan samaan tyyliin kuin tein vuosi sitten jämälankapaidan itselleni. Minun piti kirjoittaa ohje Ullaan, mutta muistiinpanot ovat jossain, joten ehkä toisella kerralla onnistaa paremmin. En neulonut silmukkaakaan.
I had some plans for Project Spectrum in February and March. Some of them I did but these are the unfinished ones.
I planned to do a sweater for my sister of these blue-white yarns, same style as I did my own year ago. Then I planned to write a pattern to Ulla but I have lost my notes so maybe this time. I didn't knit a stitch.
I had some plans for Project Spectrum in February and March. Some of them I did but these are the unfinished ones.
I planned to do a sweater for my sister of these blue-white yarns, same style as I did my own year ago. Then I planned to write a pattern to Ulla but I have lost my notes so maybe this time. I didn't knit a stitch.
Harmaasta silkistä ja helmistä suunnittelin juhlatoppia. Idea on edelleen kuvan asteella, edes mallitilkkua en ole tehnyt.
I had grey silk and beads and I thought they would look nice together. I'm planning somekind of top but as you can see I haven't done much.
I had grey silk and beads and I thought they would look nice together. I'm planning somekind of top but as you can see I haven't done much.
Sinikirjavasta langasta aion tehdä Lainesukat. Langat ostin jo syksyllä, mutta sukat ovat jääneet. Tämä olisi ollut sopiva Project Spectrumiin, pieni työ, joka valmistuu aika nopeasti.
This multi-blue yarn will be Lainesocks some day. This would have been good for Project Spectrum because it's a small thing to do.
This multi-blue yarn will be Lainesocks some day. This would have been good for Project Spectrum because it's a small thing to do.
Helmikuussa hamsterikuun aikana olisi saanut viimeistelybonuksia UFOista. En kuitenkaan ehtiny viimeistellä tätä ikuisuusneuletta. Tästä puuttuu enää saumojen ompelu ja langanpätkien päätteleminen eli mielestäni juuri ne ikävimmät vaiheet.
February was "yarn hamsters" month and I would have got some bonuspoints for finishing UFOs if I had finished this. Only sewing and weaving ends are missing - the most boring things in my opinion.
February was "yarn hamsters" month and I would have got some bonuspoints for finishing UFOs if I had finished this. Only sewing and weaving ends are missing - the most boring things in my opinion.
Tässä vielä yksi ikuisuusprojekti lisää: Print O' The Wave -huivi, jonka olen aloittanut noin vuosi sitten. Lanka loppui kesken, varastossa ollut tummansininenkään ei riittänyt ja syksyllä ostin Tampereen käsityömessuilta samaa lankaa lähes saman värisenä. Lanka on Raijan aitan pellavaa, joten sitä oli vaikea saada lisää. Tähän pitäisi neuloa reunapitsi.
Here is another UFO: Print O' The Wave -stole. I started this about a year ago. I didn't have enough yarn and the dark blue yarn for my stash wasn't enough so I bought more. Yarn is Raijan aitta's hand dyed linen so it's hard to get. Only the border is missing.
Here is another UFO: Print O' The Wave -stole. I started this about a year ago. I didn't have enough yarn and the dark blue yarn for my stash wasn't enough so I bought more. Yarn is Raijan aitta's hand dyed linen so it's hard to get. Only the border is missing.