Tykkään kokeilla uusia juttuja, tekniikoita, materiaaleja, kaikenlaista. Usein innostus uusiin asioihin kuitenkin lopahtaa aika pian. Jossain vaiheessa saatan silti palata vanhoihin kiinnostuksen kohteisiin. Sain Tuulialta joululahjaksi pienen ristipistotyön. Innostuin kokeilemaan taas. Tämä tuli tehtyä tosi nopeasti ja olihan työ pieni (vain 6,5 * 6,5 cm). Vanha innostus palasi ainakin osittain. Seuraavaksi ehkä voisin aloittaa viime syksynä SNY:ltä saamaani ristipistoliinaa.
I like to try new things, materials and techniques. Usually I'm interested only a while and then I forget that thing. Sometimes I might try some of the old interests again. I got this cross stitching kit from Tuulia as a Christmas present. It was fast to stitch and it's small (only 6,5 * 6,5 cm). I got my old inspiration back at least partly. I might start next to stitch a table cloth I got from my Finnish secret pal.
I like to try new things, materials and techniques. Usually I'm interested only a while and then I forget that thing. Sometimes I might try some of the old interests again. I got this cross stitching kit from Tuulia as a Christmas present. It was fast to stitch and it's small (only 6,5 * 6,5 cm). I got my old inspiration back at least partly. I might start next to stitch a table cloth I got from my Finnish secret pal.

Tämä työ vaatii vielä kehystyksen. Pakkauksessa oli mukana pienet mustat muovikehykset, mutta minusta käsityö tarvitsee jotain arvokkaampaa. Siksi aion tehdä kehykset itse. Ehkä paperista korttityyliset tai sitten massasta puujäljitelmää. Sitten tämän on tarkoitus koristaa nyt vielä liian valkoista vessan seinää parin muun kehystettävän pienen ruusukuvan kanssa.
I still have to frame this. There was a little black plastic frame with the kit, but I think handicrafts need something better. That's why I'm going to make the frames myself. Maybe paper and bit like a card-style or then polymer clay with fake wood effect. Then I'll put this and some other small rose pictures to our toilet wall wich is far too white at the moment.
I still have to frame this. There was a little black plastic frame with the kit, but I think handicrafts need something better. That's why I'm going to make the frames myself. Maybe paper and bit like a card-style or then polymer clay with fake wood effect. Then I'll put this and some other small rose pictures to our toilet wall wich is far too white at the moment.
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