I knitted a dishcloth. I hadn't knitted any before this and I wanted to try (and I want to try is knitted dishcloth as functional as others). I used cotton left over 31g. This pattern is for two different colours but I used only one multi-coloured yarn. I noticed that it's difficult to knit in wrong side so this cloth has many mistakes.
Vauvan neuleita
Hamsteritöitä ja suunnitelmia
For me "yarn hamster" month is somekind of Beforehand I went through my yarnstash and organized it again. I searched yarns wich I want to get rid of and I don't have any ideas. These yarns are mostly left overs and mohair (my skin doesn't like mohair). I already made one pair of left over socks and get addicted to the idea. Here is next pair (or pairless sock). One sock is finished and there are left overs for another sock. I surprised myself and interested in socks, again, even it's only two months from Christmas and sock exhaustion. Maybe I'll make more of these. My sock yarn box needs emptying.
Tänä aamuna tutkin kriittisesti "näistä haluan eroon" lankalaatikkoa. Löysin harmaata mohairia, joka on nyt muotoutumassa taas huovutettavaksi laukuksi. Löysin myös vaaleanharmaata mohairia, mutta väri ei innostanut.
This morning I looked closely at my "I want to get rif of these" yarn box. I found grey mohair and now I'm knitting a bag of it. I'm going to felt it after knitting. Then I found light grey mohair, but colour wasn't so inspiring.
Muistin kaapissa olevat elintarvikevärit ja etikkaakin löytyi vielä hieman. Samalla räikein pinkki mohairjämä muuttui hieman hillitymmäksi violetiksi. Mohair on vaikeampaa värjättävää minusta kuin villa. Toivoin pätkävärjätympää lopputulosta. Vaikka yritinkin värjätä hyvin epätasaisesti, väri tarttui hitaammin kuin tavalliseen villaan ja näistä tuli tasaisempia kuin halusin. Eivät ne silti enää ole ihan niin tylsän värisiä. Luulen, että huovutusvillan kanssa näistäkin tulee laukkuja. (Olen tainnut innostua myös huovutettuihin laukkuihin.)
I remembered candy colours in my closet and I had also vinegar. At the same time I dyed bright pink to not so bright purple. I wanted better multi-colour effect but with mohair it wasn't so easy than with wool. I think I'll knit felted bags of these mohairs. (I'm enthusiastic about felted bags too.)
Socks are made of violet and pink left overs. I used two yarns together and many small skeins. With socks there are left overs of this project. Yarn usage was 119g.
Lanka: Du store, alpakkasilkki, 50g
Pattern: own
Yarn: Du store, alpaca silk, 50g